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Please note, both of our nursery classes are currently full and have a waiting list. You are still welcome to apply to be placed on our waiting list to start in September 2025. 

If you would like to apply for a place in Little Pips, our funded 2-3 year old nursery or in Chestnuts, our 3-4 year old nursery, please complete an online application form using this link

Our school staff will then contact you with further information.

We only offer government-funded places of 15 hours a week in Little Pips, based on eligibility. Our 15-hour sessions are either over five mornings or five afternoons. We do not offer 30-hour places in Little Pips.

2-3 year old Applications

Government Funding

To receive funding from the government for early learning, you must apply for a code. Click here. Your child's code will be available for 10 weeks before the end of the term in which your child turns two.

  • For birthdays between 1st April - 31st August: Apply from 23rd June ready to start from the 1st September.
  • For birthdays between Ist September - 3ist December: Apply from 23rd October, ready to start from 1st January.
  • For birthdays between 1st January - 31st March: Apply from 22nd January ready to start from 1st April.

Little Pips admission process


Complete the online application form here.

It is extremely important to share if your child has had any involvement with other professionals, such as speech and language therapists or MAST. Please let us know if you feel child will need any additional support, so that plans can be made for this. Your form will then be passed on to Nicola Young, the lead member of staff in Little Pips and added to our waiting list.

Processing and offer of place

When a place becomes available, Nicola will call you to request the code which shows that your child is available for government-funded early learning. You can apply for a code here.

Once we have your code, you will receive a phone call and a letter to offer you a place. We will then arrange a home or class visit. During this visit, Little Pip staff will help you to complete the rest of the paperwork as well as discuss any questions you may have. Your child's code is available for 10 weeks before the end of the term in which your child turns two. Most importantly, we get to meet you and your child, discover their interests, help them to prepare for nursery and let them know that we are friendly and safe people before they join us in nursery.

Starting Nursery

Your child is now ready to join Little Pips! Make time for lots of time together before they start, talking about all the fun they will have and what to expect on their first day to help prepare them. 

When you bring your child to Little Pips, say your goodbyes and try to keep drop off positive and short. If your child is finding it tricky to settle, we may call you to collect early and gradually build their time up. However, most children love their first session and can't wait to come back the next day!

3-4 year old Applications

All 3-4 year old children are eligible for funded nursery hours. If you are a working parent, it might be you are able to provide for full-day sessions. 

Our 15-hour sessions are either across five mornings or five afternoons. 30-hour sessions are five full days.

If your child has a 30-hour place in Chestnuts, they can bring a healthy packed lunch each day or alternatively you can order your child a school dinner for £2 each day. (There is an additional charge of £1 for full-time children staying over lunchtime.)

Chestnuts admission process


Complete the online application form here.

It is extremely important to share if your child has had any involvement with other professionals, such as speech and language therapists or MAST.

Please let us know if you feel child will need any additional support, so that plans can be made for this. Your form will then be passed on to Amy Walker or Aimi Mitchell, the Early Years Leads, and added to our waiting list.

Processing and offer of place

When a place becomes available, Aimi Mitchell will call you to confirm whether you have a 15 hour or 30 hour nursery place.

We will then arrange a home or class visit. During this visit, Chestnut staff will help you to complete the rest of the paperwork as well as discuss any questions you may have.

Most importantly, we get to meet you and your child, discover their interests, help them to prepare for nursery and let them know that we are friendly and safe people before they join us in nursery.

Starting Nursery

Your child is now ready to join Chestnuts class! Make time for lots of time together before they start, talking about all the fun they will have and what to expect on their first day to help prepare them.

When you bring your child to nursery, say your goodbyes and try to keep drop off positive and short. If your child is finding it tricky to settle, we may call you to collect early and gradually build their time up. However, most children love their first session and can't wait to come back the next day!

Application Form