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Woodlands Primary School is committed to ensuring all pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum whatever their gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, needs or abilities.

We work very closely together across Mercia Learning Trust by taking positive action to ensure that our settings make appropriate provision through curriculum planning, delivery and assessment for children of differing abilities, alongside encouraging children to be involved in their own learning and to be aware of their targets.

You can find lots of information about SEND at Woodlands Primary School in our SEND policy at the bottom of the page.

Our SENDCo, Inclusion and Behaviour Leads

 Hannah Morgan, SENDCo

 Wendy Scott, Deputy Headteacher and Inclusion Lead

 Jo Blow, Behaviour Lead

Lucy Potts, Behaviour Lead

If you have any further questions, please get in touch with Hannah Morgan or Wendy Scott who will be happy to give you any help or advice needed. We also have further areas to explore in the SEND sub menu.

Our SEND policies can be seen on our Policies page.